Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints  

Limited Edition Photo is a fine-art photographic print sales and marketing service, selling prints either for the enjoyment of the purchaser, or as an investment vehicle. is currently exclusively affiliated with Fred Koschara and his Web site.

We are open to working with other photographers with similar systems. Feel free to contact our business development personnel for more information.

The software driving this site was also designed for portability to other sites with a minimum of effort. If you would like to have a similar site exclusively featuring your own work, please contact us to discuss development of a customized version of the software.

Sample Photo
Displayed July 19, 2021
Click image for full details
Sunset Fire Over Sawgrass Mills Mall, Sunrise, Florida
Sunset Fire Over Sawgrass Mills Mall, Sunrise, Florida
Photo by Fred Koschara
July 17, 2021   Sony A99
Sample Photo
Displayed August 6, 2020
Click image for full details
Bridge and Reflection, St. Tropez Apartments, Plantation
Bridge and Reflection, St. Tropez Apartments, Plantation
Photo by Fred Koschara
August 10, 2019   Sony A99


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Photo Sites
   Photo By Fred .com
    Your daily dose of art...
   Machine exhibit, July 2012
   Machine exhibit, Nov. 2011
   Puzzle Portfolio, June 2007
   Borders exhibit, June 2003

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