Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints  

  Print Date:   April 23, 2021
Print Size Class: 11 x 16
Number Sold: 0
Prints Remaining: 25
  Before Auction: 22
Current Price: US$ 95.00
Sale Type: Fixed price
Choked Channel Late Day View, Hiatus Rd (cross eye stereo)
Choked Channel Late Day View, Hiatus Rd (cross eye stereo)

This is a cross-eye stereo pair: To view the 3D image, pick a distinct feature of the picture, such as the bright spot in the trees near the center of the photo, and its match in the opposite image. Hold your hands with fingers straight, pointing up, about a quarter of the distance from your eyes to the screen so there's a "window" between them that's the same apparent width as one of the images. Cross your eyes until the two images overlap. You should then be able to comfortably see, in the center of your field of view, the merged image with a clear perception of depth in the picture.

Photo by Fred Koschara
April 21, 2020   Sony A99


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Choked Channel Late Day View, Hiatus Rd (cross eye stereo)

Choked Channel Late Day View, Hiatus Rd (cross eye stereo)

This 640x480 Web image has been reduced for faster browsing.
The finished print contains approximately 70 times as much detail.
Finished prints do not have logos or copyright notices within the image.

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