Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints  

  Print Date:   July 29, 2015
Print Size Class: 11 x 16
Number Sold: 0
Prints Remaining: 25
  Before Auction: 22
Current Price: US$ 95.00
Sale Type: Fixed price
Gull Preparing Dinner, Salem Harbor, Massachusetts
Gull Preparing Dinner, Salem Harbor, Massachusetts

The gull has a clam in its mouth that it dug out of the sand. It's now lofting the hapless mollusk into the air, and will drop it from some height. The impact will split the shell open, leaving the tender meat exposed for the gull to feast on.

Photo by Fred Koschara
July 30, 2011   Sony A850


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Gull Preparing Dinner, Salem Harbor, Massachusetts

Gull Preparing Dinner, Salem Harbor, Massachusetts

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