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  Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints Limited Edition Photo - Investment Quality Fine Art Prints sells limited edition prints of fine art photographs, either for the enjoyment of the purchaser, or as an investment vehicle.

Select an option from the menu at the right side of this site to access its features. You can easily browse through our catalog or select images from a calendar view of those available. We also have an Image Search capability where you can search for prints by their title and/or description. (Menu options change depending on whether you are a logged-in member or not.)

Images on this site are identified by the date they were displayed. If you want to be readily able get back to a particular picture from our catalog, make a note of its display date. You can then quickly locate it with the calendar pages under the Select menu option at right.

Sample Photo
Displayed June 14, 2016
Click image for full details
Still Life With Flag, Happy Flag Day, America!
Still Life With Flag, Happy Flag Day, America!
Photo by Fred Koschara
June 18, 2011   Sony A850
Sample Photo
Displayed May 25, 2007
Click image for full details
Late Afternoon Lilac Blossoms, Groveland, NY
Late Afternoon Lilac Blossoms, Groveland, NY
Photo by Fred Koschara
May 12, 2007   Sony F-717

Through this site, you can purchase limited edition prints of photographs taken by Fred Koschara, displayed on and other sites.

Limited edition prints are signed, numbered and printed on archival quality paper with permanent pigment-based ink. Consequently, they represent a real investment opportunity.

All of the prints we are currently offering are either in 8x10 inch or 11x17 class (A3 size) format, and may be purchased either mounted and matted, or in any of a variety of frames. See the About Frames page for an overview of the frames we are offering.

The supply of prints is limited to 25 copies of each image. The first 15 copies in each set are offered at a fixed base price, while the next 7 are priced incrementally higher. (See the chart on the About Buying page for more information about print prices.) The final 3 prints in each set will be sold at auction on this site. Current pricing and auction information is shown on the page for each individual image.

You must have a customer/member account in order to purchase prints or place bids. Signing up for your member account is free and easy, simply go to the Sign Up page and fill in the required information. We don't rent, sell or otherwise share our customer lists with anyone, so you don't have to worry about getting innundated with SPAM as a result of giving us your email address. (Feel free to review our full Privacy Policy if you have any concerns.)

Thanks for your interest! Feel free to browse through our catalog, and we hope you find a picture that strikes your fancy. If so, our shopping cart system will make it easy for you to have it to hanging on your wall!

We look forward to your business!

Sample Photo
Displayed October 4, 2012
Click image for full details
To Sail Beyond The Sunset, in the Footsteps of Sputnik...
To Sail Beyond The Sunset, in the Footsteps of Sputnik...

October 4, 1957 - USSR Launched Sputnik 1, the First Orbital Spacecraft
October 4, 1982 - USA Launched Columbia, the First Reusable Spaceship
October 4, 2004 - Scaled/Mojave Captured the Ansari X Prize Flying Spaceship One

The history of spaceflight is a series of steps, most are small, and frequently building on progress that came before them. Occasionally a major milestone is achieved that we should stop to take note of. Today THREE of those events have anniversaries: Sputnik 1 was launched, the first man-made spacecraft to orbit the Earth. 25 years later, NASA launched the Columbia STS orbiter for the first time, inaugurating an era of reusable manned spacecraft. Then, 47 years after the launch of Sputnik 1, a private company launched the first civilian manned spacecraft to an altitude of more than 100KM for the second time in less than two weeks, heralding the dawn of civilian access to space. In light of these achievements, we should all take some time today and consider the wonders our predecessors have achieved, and remember all of the dedicated people who made the dreams come true.


Photo by Fred Koschara
October 4, 2008   Sony F-717
Sample Photo
Displayed January 29, 2014
Click image for full details
Window Study in Grey, Sparta First Church, Groveland, NY
Window Study in Grey, Sparta First Church, Groveland, NY
Photo by Fred Koschara
January 29, 2012   Sony A850



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Photo Sites
   Photo By Fred .com
    Your daily dose of art...
   Machine exhibit, July 2012
   Machine exhibit, Nov. 2011
   Puzzle Portfolio, June 2007
   Borders exhibit, June 2003

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