A Choice of Paths
Before me lie three paths: ... The third path swings toward the right and a Bridge a cross the Chasm of Destruction, where it continues along on the other side. ...
The wye separating the two remaining Paths is still a short distance away. Even after they separate, they continue a little longer close enough together so that a person could jump from the more elevated Path to the lower one. After they separate, however, they go in very different directions. Both Paths continue upward, but that is where the similarity ends. The Path to the right is labeled "Idealism," ...
The Path of Idealism leads across a narrow and treacherous Bridge over the Chasm of Destruction to a perilous Ledge on the other side. Some distance away, however, there is a cave where friendly people are offering shelter. The Ledge continues, a little wider, and for a slightly shorter distance, to another cave. All along the right Wall of the Chasm, the Ledge rises higher and higher, becoming wider all the way. It eventually makes it to the top of a Ridge which rises as far as one can see, into the Future. In the distance on this Ridge are magnificent cities and prosperous lands, open fields and luxurious forests, clean air and water, room to grow, and obvious advancements in every direction imaginable.
Occasionally, intrepid travelers find a way to go from the Path of Wealth to the Path of Idealism, but unfortunately for most of them, their airplanes crash or their balloons run out of hot air, and they fall into the Chasm of Destruction below. Not all who make the journey are well received, but there are some who are very welcome when they reach the Path of Idealism. Those who are most welcome are the people with ability and knowledge, people who can make their own lives better and in the process improve the world around them: People with something to contribute to Society.
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